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Strategic Healthcare Marketing Matters: The Right Tools Can Boost New Member Acquisition

Member Acquisition Marketing
Senior Director Healthcare Strategy

One of your many jobs is to convince potential new members that your plan offers the best options for their healthcare and wellness needs. It’s about getting your marketing message to the right individuals, engaging them to sign up and developing loyalty over time. If you’re like many marketing leaders, you’ve invested a lot of time and money into new member acquisition.

But what if strategic healthcare marketing could make the process easier, messaging more targeted, and attracting new members more successful? There are more precise, data-driven tools that can help bring in new members, keep track of their changes to minimize attrition over time and solidify long-lasting relationships with your existing members, for example.

Getting to know your potential new members better through insight that goes beyond simple demographics and zip code information. The right data can provide information like financial assets, current life situation and housing records. It can also help you understand and communicate more effectively.

The healthcare industry is unlike any other. Marketers have to navigate HIPAA and other regulations. But, there are ways to strike the balance of effective marketing and staying in compliance. Some data partners, for example, offer more in-depth data about potential member prospects while steering clear of regulated private data.

Plans differ. Patient preferences differ. The one constant in the payer marketplace is change. One of the big shifts for payers is the increasing number of plan options for consumers. More choices for members mean more competition among payers. You’re likely going to need to work more to attract new members from the limited pool looking for new coverage. You can make your efforts more effective by opting for data-driven insight from a trusted vendor. Using the right data can mean marketing smarter, also known as using ‘strategic healthcare marketing.’

Learn the more granular details of your potential and existing plan members and you can see a clearer big picture. At the same time, members want their plan to understand their unique needs, address them through plan services and to feel like collaborators in their own healthcare. Precise data can get you closer to these goals, which in turn can increase member satisfaction and lead to greater long-term loyalty. Why is loyalty so important? One estimate is it costs about three times more to acquire a new member than to keep an existing one.1

Beyond more choices, other major driving forces of change are outlined in the eBook “Using Strategic Healthcare Marketing to Attract New Members.” Learn more about what may happen to the 11 million people who lost their Medicaid eligibility as of November 2023.2 Furthermore, an estimated 10,000 to 11,000 people age into Medicare each day3. But don’t wait for these people to find you. Be prepared with the right message for the right potential new member at the right time using precision data insights. You’re using strategic healthcare marketing when you identify the conditions, concerns and challenges that resonate the most with your potential new plan members, you can get a head start over your competition in your efforts to win new members and retain existing ones.

The DNA of Healthcare

At LexisNexis Risk Solutions, our goal is to provide the healthcare industry with insights and innovations to improve outcomes, grow market share, reduce fraud and increase compliance.

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